Walmart Assessment Test and Application Process

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Ingmar van Maurik

Ingmar van Maurik, as a co-founder of, has been an expert for years in preparing candidates for assessments and job interviews.

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Walmart Assessment Test and Application Process

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What you can find on this page

What you can find on this page:

  • Walmart's Recruitment Procedure
  • Walmart Roles - Overview and Selection Process
  • Digital Application
  • CV Submission
  • Assessment Tests
  • Interview
  • Walmart Assessment Test
  • Job Application Training & Interview Questions + Answers
  • How to answer the Walmart assessment test and secure a Walmart career

Walmart's Recruitment Procedure

Walmart's recruitment journey comprises four key steps:

  • Digital Application
  • CV Submission
  • Online Evaluation
  • Interview

In the sections that follows, We will dive deeper into each step and offer guidance on how to excel. But first, let's explore some of the sought-after roles at Walmart.

Walmart Roles - Overview and Selection

Process Walmart In-Store Positions These roles are commonly found in Walmart outlets. They all follow the selection procedure outlined above.

  • Cashier: They manage transactions, pack items, and assist patrons. Maintaining a courteous demeanor is essential.
  • Storefront Role: This role encompasses employees responsible for the store's visual appeal and functionality, which includes tidying up, cart collection, and general maintenance tasks. 
  • Food & Produce: Associates in this category cater to customers in sections like deli, bakery, and dairy. They also ensure the section's neatness and stock availability.
  • Stocker: Their tasks involve unloading deliveries, organizing storage areas, shelving products, and aiding customers.
  • Order Organizer: They collect items from various sections based on customer orders.
  • Sales Representative/Shopping Assistant/Product Display: This role involves assisting customers and managing orders in non-food sections. It's a sales-centric position.

How to Secure a Role at Walmart's Store

Hourly in-store roles at Walmart follow this four-step selection procedure:

  • Digital Application: Enter personal information, work history, and availability on Walmart's online portal.
  • Online Evaluation: Post-application, you'll be prompted to take an evaluation. Preparation is key.
  • Interview: Successful evaluations lead to an interview. Proper preparation ensures a positive impression.
  • Pre-Employment Screening and Job Offer: After clearing the interview, background checks and possibly drug tests are conducted before a job offer is extended.

Walmart Logistics and Driving Roles

Roles in this category follow the standard application process but might have distinct evaluation tests.

  • Truck Operator: With the rise of online shopping during the pandemic, Walmart has expanded its driver workforce. They offer competitive benefits and flexible hours.
  • Cargo Handler: They manage operations at Walmart's distribution hubs, including order preparation and quality checks.
  • Area Supervisor: They oversee all operations within their designated warehouse zone, managing cargo handlers and ensuring productivity targets are met.
  • Equipment Handler: They move goods within Walmart's distribution hubs using machinery. It's a physically intensive role.
  • Maintenance Expert: With increasing demand, this role requires expertise across various domains, ensuring all warehouse machinery functions optimally.

Securing a Position at Walmart's Distribution Center

The recruitment procedure for roles at Walmart's distribution centers, including driving positions, involves:

  • Digital Application: Input your personal information, prior work experience, and availability.
  • CV Submission: For these roles, providing a CV is essential, unlike in-store positions.
  • Online Evaluation: Once you've applied, you'll be prompted to undergo an assessment. The nature of this test varies depending on the role you're applying for. For example, while drivers and cargo handlers might take the Walmart Cargo Handling Test, maintenance experts might undergo the Walmart Technical Maintenance Test.
  • Interview: If you clear the evaluation, you'll be called for an interview. It's crucial to be well-prepared to make a lasting impression. Familiarize yourself with key strategies to excel in a Walmart interview.

Walmart Leadership Roles

Walmart values its leadership team and selects only the most competent individuals. Given the dynamic nature of the role and its vast responsibilities, ascending to a senior managerial position at Walmart is a commendable achievement.

  • Hourly Supervisor & Training: Typically, the role of an hourly supervisor or manager serves as the gateway to a managerial career at Walmart. These supervisors oversee specific departments, collaborating closely with team members to ensure smooth operations. Notably, compensation for this role is hourly.
  • Deputy Manager/Coach: The title of 'assistant manager' transitioned to 'coach' in 2020. This individual acts as the right hand to the store manager, stepping in during their absence and ensuring the store's policies are consistently implemented. Walmart seeks highly skilled professionals for this role.
  • Team Lead / Department Manager: Previously known as the department manager, this role was renamed 'team lead' in 2020. It involves overseeing a specific department and its team members.
  • Store Manager: Positioned at the zenith of the Walmart in-store career ladder, the chief store officer is accountable for all activities within a Walmart outlet. This role is challenging, but it offers a substantial compensation package, with typical earnings exceeding $100K annually.

Securing a Management Position at Walmart

The selection process for managerial roles at Walmart mirrors the standard recruitment steps, but with heightened scrutiny and elevated standards.

  • Digital Application: Enter your personal information, prior work experience, and availability. It's vital to be meticulous at this stage, as Walmart begins its evaluation of your suitability for the role from this point.
  • Online Evaluation: For managerial roles, having a robust CV is of paramount importance due to the limited vacancies compared to other roles.
  • Online Assessment: Post-application, you'll be prompted to undertake an assessment. Depending on the specific managerial role you're vying for, you might encounter one of three tests: the Teaming Employment Assessment (TEA), the Supervisor Employment Assessment (SEA), or the Manager Employment Assessment (MEA).
  • Interview: Clearing the assessment leads to an interview with Walmart's top-tier managers. Even if you're seasoned in interviews, it's advisable to thoroughly prepare to ensure you make a strong impression. Familiarize yourself with key strategies to excel in a Walmart interview.

Walmart's Recruitment Journey

Insights and Recommendations Below, I'll outline the primary phases of Walmart's recruitment journey, offering valuable insights and suggestions for success.

Phase #1 - Digital Application

 Walmart's typical online application requires you to input personal details, professional history, and other relevant data, such as responses to an equal opportunity survey and your working hours preference. This process usually spans 15-20 minutes. While it may seem direct and user-friendly, remember that your evaluation begins here. Drawing from six months of research, here are some insights to enhance your chances of joining Walmart:

  • Research Typical Work Schedules and Compensation: Walmart places significant emphasis on adherence to procedures and employee availability. It's beneficial to align with their priorities from the outset.
    Why is this important? During the application, you might be asked about your preferred working hours and salary expectations. Investigate the standard working schedules and average compensation for the role before applying. Given Walmart's vast scale, salaries are typically standardized and non-negotiable. Ensure the offered compensation aligns with your aspirations. Moreover, showcasing flexibility in availability can significantly boost your chances of selection.
  • Recognize Walmart's Automated Evaluation: Assuming that human resources at Walmart manually review your application? Think twice. The initial three stages of the recruitment process (application, CV, and online assessment) are fully automated. To progress, it's essential to navigate Walmart's AI-driven evaluation effectively.

Phase #2 – Resume Submission 

The necessity of submitting a resume with your Walmart application may vary depending on the role you are interested in.

  • For positions like cashiers or sales associates in Walmart stores, there is typically no requirement to provide a resume. Therefore, creating one may not be necessary in such cases. 
  • However, for other roles within the company, a resume is commonly expected. Your resume holds significant importance in the Walmart application process, as it serves as the primary source of information about you for the company.

It's worth noting that in the contemporary application process, Walmart employs AI systems referred to as ATS (applicant tracking systems) to scan and evaluate applicants' resumes. This development presents new challenges when it comes to crafting an effective resume tailored to the specific job you are applying for at Walmart. To gain insights into creating a high-quality, role-specific resume for Walmart, consider referring to the Comprehensive Walmart Resume Writing Guide.

Phase #3 – Online Assessment

 The most demanding segment of Walmart's application process is the online assessment, which is obligatory for all applicants, spanning from cashiers to store managers. Walmart employs various assessments based on the type of position you are seeking:

  • Retail Associate Assessment (RAA) – Utilized for hourly positions.
  • Teaming Employment Assessment (TEA) – Designed for team leader roles.
  • Supervisor Employment Assessment (SEA) – Intended for supervisory positions.
  • Manager Employment Assessment (MEA) – Applicable to management positions.
  • Walmart Maintenance Technician Assessment – Employed for maintenance mechanic positions.
  • Supply Chain Associate Assessment – Used across a wide range of roles, including drivers, freight handlers, and administrative positions.

Walmart Assessment Test

The guide to pass the Walmart Assessment test

The Walmart Retail Associate Assessment (RAA), also known simply as the Walmart assessment test, is a pivotal step in securing a role at Walmart, particularly for hourly positions like cashier, front end, order filler, and personal shopper. It's not just a test—it's a measure of your potential fit within the Walmart ecosystem.

The Diversity of Walmart's Assessments

Walmart employs a variety of assessments for different roles. While the RAA is for hourly positions, the Teaming Employment Assessment (TEA) and Manager Employment Assessment (MEA) are used for team leads and management roles, respectively.

The imperative of tailored preparation

Jumping directly into the assessment without practice is a common misstep. The reasons are multifaceted:

  1. Comprehensive passing requirement: Every section of the assessment is crucial, and passing all is necessary for employment.
  2. Role-specific answers matter: The most effective answers vary depending on the position you're applying for.
  3. Consideration of subtle factors: Walmart's scoring process is intricate, accounting for behind-the-scenes factors such as reliability and consistency.

A closer look at the assessment's four sections

The Walmart assessment comprises four distinct sections, each designed to evaluate different aspects of your candidacy:

1. Work with customers/members and associates:

This part tests how you respond to scenarios you might face in a Walmart setting. It's not just about what you do, but how you do it, reflecting your situational judgement and interpersonal skills.

2. Handle customer/member transactions:

This interactive section assesses your ability to manage transactions efficiently. Speed and accuracy in handling cash and providing change are key skills evaluated here

3. Tell us your story:

This section is deceptively simple, asking general questions about your background and experience. However, your responses reveal much about your suitability and potential as a Walmart employee.

4. Describe your approach:

Here, you'll encounter questions probing your personality. The best responses align with the traits Walmart seeks in an employee for the specific role you've applied for.

Tailoring your preparation: Position-specific strategies

Given the unique nature of each role at Walmart, it's crucial to tailor your preparation to the specific position you're applying for. This involves understanding the nuances of the role and aligning your practice accordingly.

Understanding Walmart’s behind-the-scenes evaluation

To truly excel in the assessment, it's vital to grasp Walmart’s evaluation criteria, which extend beyond straightforward question-and-answer correctness. Focus on demonstrating reliability, consistency, and a strong alignment with Walmart's values and work ethics.

Final thoughts: The path to success

Acing the Walmart Assessment requires more than just understanding the test; it demands a strategic, well-prepared approach that is aligned with both the role you seek and the core values of Walmart. Remember, every section counts, and every answer is an opportunity to showcase your fit within the Walmart team.

Job Application Training & Interview Questions + Answers

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    * What are your core qualities?

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    * How do you present yourself? And how do you make an elevator pitch?

    * How do you best behave during role plays? What are the tricks to help you do this?

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How to answer the Walmart assessment test and actually secure a Walmart career

When it comes to embarking on a Walmart career, the key hurdle that many aspirants face is the Walmart Retail Associate Assessment (RAA). This isn't just a test; it's the gateway to various hourly positions at Walmart, like cashier, personal shopper, front end, and order filler.

Besides the RAA, Walmart administers other assessments like the Teaming Employment Assessment (TEA) for team leads, and Manager Employment Assessment (MEA) for management roles.

The path to a Walmart career isn't about rushing into the assessment. Practice and preparation are key. Here's why:

  • You have to pass ALL the sections to get the Walmart career you want.
  • There's no one-size-fits-all answer; the best responses depend on the position.
  • Walmart analyzes your test beyond the answers you provide.
  • So, let's dive into a comprehensive overview of the four test sections and unveil what Walmart expects from you.

Understanding the Walmart assessment test

The Walmart assessment test, specifically the Hourly Retail Associate Assessment, screens candidates for hourly positions. While some online resources may provide insights, heed this caution:

  • Don't base your answers on intuition or common sense; the test requires specific responses.
  • Your position defines the "right" answer; what works for one role may not for another.
  • Consistency and reliability in your answers matter, as Walmart scrutinizes them closely.
  • Failure means waiting six long months to retest.

The assessment includes four diverse sections:

  1. Work with Customers/Members and Associates 
  2. Handle Customer/Member Transactions 
  3. Tell Us Your Story
  4. Describe Your Approach.

Now, let's explore the particulars of these sections.

#1 Work with customers/members and associates

This Situational Judgment Test (SJT) will provide various Retail Associate scenarios. Your task? Select the appropriate responses for each situation.

#2 Handle customer/member transactions

In this segment, handling cash accurately and promptly is the game. The less time you take, the better you score, reflecting the real demands of a Walmart career.

#3 Tell us your story

Here, share your work background or, if you lack experience, your academic achievements. Though it seems benign, Walmart uses this as an essential screening tool, so take it seriously.

#4 Describe your approach

A 27-question personality test awaits you here, focusing on your work style and job suitability. Remember, consistency is key, and working swiftly may be advantageous.

What's the required score for a Walmart career?

The Walmart assessment isn't merely pass/fail. Behind-the-scenes scores like Poor, Good, Competitive, and Excellent determine your fate.

  • A poor score in any section means failing the entire assessment.
  • Even if you're shown a pass, you may still have failed.
  • Many wait for the call that never comes, only realizing later that they've failed.

But don’t despair. Scoring high in every section will bring that Walmart career closer.

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