How to Prepare Yourself for a Psychometric Test?

Psychometric tests usually involve a range of tests administered by some business organizations conducting assessment centres for hiring candidates suitable for vacant job positions. The tests usually help assess and evaluate the skills of the applicants and predict their behaviour and performance in the role assigned in the organization. For acing these tests, you should possess the required skills and practice the mock tests available online sufficiently.

Preparing for a Psychometric Test

You may make use of a few techniques to prepare for a psychometric test, as given below:

  • Determine the skill set required for the job position

For filling up an unoccupied job position, the employer may seek candidates that have the required intelligence, knowledge and skills for the role to be assigned to them. By determining the skillset needed, you may get to know what qualities the employers are seeking in the potential employees. By becoming aware of these requirements, you may analyze and evaluate your own capabilities and match them to the ones needed for the job. You may also determine the areas that you are strong in and those that you need to become more proficient in. This knowledge will help you to prepare for the tests that might be administered in the assessment centre.

  • Find out the tests that will be administered

To prepare for the psychometric tests, you need to be familiar with the tests that you will be undertaking at the assessment centre. Different types of psychometric tests are available based on the skills and traits they are designed to evaluate.

  • Aptitude tests:

Aptitude tests may be administered in the assessment centre if needed. The questions may be related to the work domain with multiple answer options where you will be asked to choose the correct one. There are different types of aptitude tests based on the skills they are designed to test. For instance, a verbal reasoning test is used to measure your comprehension skills. A numerical reasoning test will help evaluate your mathematical expertise. A situational judgment test will help assess how well you can tackle a work-related problem. Inductive reasoning, logical reasoning, and error checking are other aptitude tests that can also be administered to you. Each of these tests usually requires expertise in different skills and you can develop your aptitude test skills by studying, learning, practising, and acquiring new knowledge.

  • Personality tests:

Personality tests may be used to predict the behaviour of you in the job and work environment. These tests usually assist in analyzing interactive traits that drive you as a person, such as your ideologies, source of motivation and inspiration, and temperament. Your behaviour to the job and work environment can also be predicted with Situational Judgement Tests. These tests can help evaluate how you will behave with your peers and co-workers, and the way you will interact with the team and within the work environment. The questions in the test usually do not have any correct or incorrect answers; instead, you may be asked to choose the most appropriate reply based on the situations in the questions.

  • Performing well in aptitude tests

You should be well-versed with different types of questions that may be presented in the personality tests to pass them. Mathematical and numerical tests may contain questions that may be of the same level as high school, but you may have not practised them for many years and so your score may go down. Knowing revising formulas, percentages, unit conversions and fractions may assist a lot while taking the test.

Verbal and comprehension tests require good knowledge of words. So, brushing up your vocabulary and taking a few sample tests will help you in performing well in them. Being aware of topics and exercising them for tests such as group, role-play and situational judgment tests will boost your chance of scoring well in them. Moreover, regular practice will improve your logical and analytical thinking and increase your efficiency.

  • Acing the personality tests

While answering the questions given in a personality test, you should be true to yourself. In personality test questions that have an answer choice of “don’t know,” answering multiple questions with this option is ill-advised. Selecting this option repeatedly may reflect your indecisiveness, thus leading to rejection as the employers usually look for people who exhibit strong leadership skills.

Behavioural questions in the test should be answered as an indicator of your true self. Trying to impress employers by selecting the perfect answers may lead them to doubt your integrity and trustworthiness. Some of the behavioural questions are designed to have answer choices that will be pitfalls, meant to trap you for assessing your reliability.

When you are subjected to an interview at the end of an assessment centre, there may be more questions that will be directed to figure out if the test results are a true indicator of your personality and who you really are. Any falsified answers may be caught and may lead to your rejection.

  • Ask for feedback

If you have previously appeared in an assessment centre that had administered different types of psychometric tests and you were not selected in them, you should ask the company for feedback regarding your test results; but only if you are allowed to do so. Getting to know how you performed in the tests will give you an insight into your strong and weak points and the capabilities the company was seeking in their potential employees. This will help you acquire and improve skills that you currently lack in. An insight into these skills may also assist you to determine different roles that you will excel in due to your proficiency in domains related to the job. Using this information, you may apply for those jobs that will best suit your skills and so your chances of getting selected will be higher. However, remember that some companies may readily provide feedback to the candidates while others may decline your request.

How can help you ace your job interview, assessment, and aptitude test? is your number 1 online practise aptitude test and assessment provider. We aim to help you ace your assessment by providing you with practise aptitude tests that mimic the tests used by employers and recruiters. Our test developers have years of experience in the field of occupational psychology and developed the most realistic and accurate practice tests available online. Our practise platform uses leading-edge technology and provides you feedback on your scores in form of test history, progress, and performance to your norm group.

The data science team found that candidates increased their scoring accuracy through practice and went into their assessments more confident. Remember, you need to practice to make sure you familiarize yourself with the test formats, work on your accuracy, and experience performing under time pressure.

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