AstraZeneca Assessment

About AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca is a multinational pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical company, headquartered in Cambridge. It has three main R&D sites in Cambridge, Gaithersburg and Maryland for biopharmaceutical research, and in Mölndal for research in traditional pharmaceutics. The Company was originally founded in Sweden. The company reported a revenue of $23.002 billion and had around 50.000 employees.

Application Process

When applying to AstraZeneca the first step is filling in the application form. In this form, you’ll need to fill in your basic details, previous working experience and education. You are also asked to attach your CV.

After AstraZeneca has reviewed your application they will evaluate your application with multiple selection methods depending on the position you applied for. These often consist of numerical, verbal and logical reasoning tests, a phone interview, group exercises, or a presentation.

After successfully completing these tests, AstraZeneca may invite you to take part in an assessment event at an assessment centre, depending on the position you applied for. In these events, you may take part in similar exercises and interviews, where you can demonstrate your skills and competencies.

In a numerical reasoning test, candidates are required to answer questions using facts and figures presented in statistical tables (work with percentages, proportions, fractions, ratios, estimations and currency conversions). Numerical reasoning tests are one of the most commonly used aptitude tests that come up during a job application. Numerical reasoning tests are standardized psychometric assessment tests that provide the employing organization with information about a candidate’s general numerical aptitude. These tests are designed to measure a candidate’s ability to make correct decisions or inferences from numerical or statistical data. It is intended to measure the ability to work with numerical data in a realistic workplace context.

In a verbal reasoning test, it basically comes down to reading comprehension. The test provides a better/additional insight on the expected work level of the contestant. It also provides a more accurate image of the contestant than just the CV or a job interview. Therefore, the verbal reasoning test is used to test, with or without other assessment tests, which candidate is best suited for the job.

In a logical reasoning test, the candidate’s ability at skills such as how to interpret patterns and/or the relationships between shapes is assessed. It is up to the candidate to select the answer that best fits the missing symbol in a given grid of symbols.

For a group exercise, AstraZeneca will usually brief you on a problem relating to the position you applied for. Subsequently, you will discuss this with your group members.

For a presentation exercise, you will usually also be briefed with a problem related to the position you are applying for. It is your task to prepare a short presentation for your assessors on how to deal with such a problem.

AstraZeneca Assessments and Aptitude tests

AstraZeneca uses, depending on the specific job profile, one or more of the following psychometric tests during their recruitment process:

Numerical Reasoning

Verbal Reasoning

Logical Reasoning

Diagrammatic Reasoning


Group Exercise


Personality Test

All Test Package

Click here for more information about our bundle test package that includes all of the psychometric tests that offers!

Note: It is possible that the organization, based on specific job roles and/or specific personality traits, composes a tailored assessment. As a candidate, you have the right to know what you can expect on your assessment day. Therefore, it is wise to make sure that you are well informed before the assessment and request information from the recruiting organization or assessment centre where you will take your tests.

Do you have any information regarding the recruitment procedure of AstraZeneca and would you like to share this with us to help prepare other candidates to ace their assessment? Please contact us here!

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